Multi-Purpose Descaler
The original multi-purpose descaler
Unique biodegradable, phosphate-free formula has been descaling kettles for over 70 years: nothing performs like it!
Ideal for kettles, shower heads, coffee makers, WC pans and irons
How to use
METAL OR PLASTIC KETTLES: Half fill the kettle with water and bring to the boil. Stand kettle in a bowl in the sink in case of excess fizzing. Add 1 measure of Kilrock-K and leave for 5 mins or until the fizzing stops. Pour away contents, reboil kettle and pour away and rinse before reuse. Wash off any spillage.
SHOWER HEADS: Mix one part Kilrock-K and 8 parts warm water in a bowl. Immerse head in solution until fizzing stops. Rinse head and bowl in cold water before reuse.
COFFEE MAKERS: Refer to manufacturers handbook. Mix one part Kilrock-K and 8 parts warm water and carefully add to the appliance reservoir. Switch on and run as normal. Empty and repeat process twice with clean water.
STEAM IRONS: Mix one part Kilrock and 8 parts warm water in a jug. Warm iron and unplug. Pour solution into chamber to normal level. Place an upturned saucer in a plastic bowl and place the iron, soleplate down, on the saucer. Depress the steam button until all the solution is used. Repeat process with cold water. Wipe soleplate and iron ready to use.
W.C. PANS: Add 1 litre of hot tap water to the pan. Pour 2 measures of Kilrock-K into the pan. Leave until it stops fizzing. Brush and flush.
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